miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009

The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Shifting Sands (1967)

From the album Part One in 1967

You know the love I gave you
Is slipping from your hand
Cause I was born to wander
Like the shifting of the sands

They say that I did hurt you
But they don't understand
That I was born to wander
Like the shifting of the sands

They say that I will follow
Beware my heart commands
For I was born to wander
Like the shifting of the sands

2 comentarios:

El rey lagarto dijo...

Que te creias, que no pensaba escuchar esta joyita?

Joxemiel dijo...

Una canción acojonante, de un grupo acojonante en una época acojonante.
